Forgiveness Meditation
Intentions > Goals
About This Course Learn why setting an intention can deliver results regardless of whether or not you reach the associated goals and targets. The Intentions > Goals Execution Plan outlines the difference between a goal and an intention so that you can understand the need for both. You’ll discover tools that allow you…
Intention Meditation
The Paradox Of Success
About This Course Based on Paul’s breakthrough book, The Spiritual Laws Of Success, this session covers the fundamental paradoxes of life that need to be mastered for any level of success to be attained and enjoyed. The material in this session is deep, meaningful and uplifting – expect your spirit to soar when…
Spirituality Meditation
Transforming Stress
About This Course Learn how to effectively deal with stress so you can easily handle whatever life throws your way. This lesson describes the difference between the two major types of stress and details the skills you’ll need to make the most of one and ditch the other so you can be cool, calm and…
Building Resilience
About This Course The Resilience Execution Plan will help you understand how to build, maintain and tap into resilience and the fundamental skills you’ll need to use to turn yourself into a productivity powerhouse. With the ever increasing demands of modern life a constant, our ability to tap into our inner well of stamina…
Resilience Meditation
Creating Happiness
About This Course Learn why pursuing happiness may be the very concept that prevents you finding it. The Creating Happiness Execution Plan describes the five tools you need to be able to use to bring happiness, contentment and satisfaction into your life and the four skills you’ll need to develop in order to make…
Happiness Meditation